Hi youth! The next two Fridays, we'll be having study nights for those of you with upcoming testing, and small groups for those who don't, or just want a break from studying!
We understand that with tests coming up so soon, you don't feel like you should be doing anything but studying; but staying at home has all the distractions! We'll have a study area with snacks and drinks set up for you guys. If you want to listen to music, please bring your own personal mp3 device. It's been so long since we had small groups! We'll be revisting our usual stomping grounds of Starbucks and Yogurtland, so if you want to get something, please bring a few dollars with you! Hope to see you soon.
This Friday, we're having GNOs. Alice has prepared an activity for the girls; and David and Kevin for the boys. Come join us for a time of bonding, sharing, and fun (of course!). We will be staying on campus, and we start at 7:30pm!
Passion week leads up to Good Friday, the day Jesus was crucified for us. This Friday, at 8pm in the sanctuary, we will be having an all-church service to remember, mourn, and celebrate our Savior's most difficult day and greatest victory at the same time.
In the days leading up to Good Friday, English congregation as a whole will be having nightly prayers from 8-9pm. Come join us as we look at what Jesus did the days leading up to his crucifixion, centering ourselves on what Easter is about, not bunnies, eggs, and chocolate (how in the world did those three get mixed together?) but why Jesus voluntarily went to the cross for us.
This Friday, we'll be joining with the English fellowship for a potluck dinner (so please bring a dish!), to hear from a director of inner city missions, and to discuss how we as a church can help meet the needs of our neighborhood community. We'll be starting at 7pm, earlier than our typical start time. Hope to see you there!
This Friday to Saturday, all of FECC will come together at Fullerton campus for an overnight prayer. Come for a time to seek out God with the rest of the community and lift up the needs of the church in worship and prayer. It will go from 8pm to 8am, and there are resting areas for those who get tired. Please bring your own blanket and pillow, or a sleeping bag!
Come join us as we discuss and relook at Pastor David's sermon from Sunday! If you haven't turned in your parent consent form yet, you can download the file from the Resources section. This is
Ever wanted younger or older siblings? Or want more?! Well this Friday you can find your Fullerton youth brothers and sisters! Come for a time of bonding, prayer, and fellowship!
Exhausted from school? Come relieve your stress with Nerf guns and eating Chinese pastries! Our student leadership team has planned a time of fellowship just to have fun and hang out. Invite your friends!
This Friday, we're having a combined worship night with Cerritos youth. Come for a time of worship and prayer, taking our eyes off ourselves and just praising God for who He is; and fellowship with our sister church! We will start at our usual time of 7:30pm, but you may want to stay a little longer than 9:30pm to hang out and catch up with one another afterwards.
May 2015
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